We are experienced consultants in preparation and planning for persons 45 and over. We work to help you.


Our specialties include healthcare administration, investment advisor, and legal advocate which helps with trusts, wills, and wealth preservation.

Brynne Malone, Owner

My journey to developing an Aging Service company, Aging Solutions, began about 40 years ago. As a high school senior working to make money for college, I took a job in a neighborhood grocery store. One of my responsibilities and by far the most rewarding, was delivering groceries to our customers. I saw firsthand people living life in their later years and developed many friends along the way. This experience helped shape my value system so that when I became an investment advisor, I focused my energies on investment strategies that would provide the most value and security for people in retirement. Through my years working within the investment industry, I was introduced to the legal world and how the lack of proper planning could adversely impact people, particularly their independence. I was honored to become a legal advocate and representative for people with dementia or those wanting an independent perspective. This experience taught me the importance of investing time and energy into proper steps to legal, financial and health planning. I was finally blessed to work as a senior member of a national health services company, which provides late life services to retired individuals and veterans. This positon placed me squarely on the frontlines of the many changes in health care coverage and benefits when retirees need them the most. Within the past 12 years serving in the healthcare industry, I have seen numerous changes and have been intimately involved in navigating those changes. An executive gave me invaluable insight to the ins and outs of accessing medical services in the most financially feasible way. I have never forgotten my early life experiences at the neighborhood grocery store and the people who befriended me while I worked there. I am now committed to bringing my years of work experience and knowledge to benefit those who seek an enriching and care free retirement.

Brynne Malone


We work for you. We are a client funded and client driven consulting company.

  • Free initial consultation to assess needs and goals.

  • Empower clients by providing a roadmap to meet their needs and goals.

  • Provide essential knowledge of how to achieve worry-free independence as they age.

CALL NOW: (509) 981-1520


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